
Subsidy Program

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Canadian Tire Jumpstart

We have partnered with Canadian Tire Jumpstart to help fulfill our mission – to provide high-level basketball training to all and leave no one out. Check if you are eligible here. If you are eligible you will be required to fill out an application prior to participating in our internal subsidy program.

Jumpstart has a processing time of 4 – 6 weeks. In order to secure your spot email us at [email protected] indicating that you have submitted an application. ​

Other info you will need for your application

Internal A4H Subsidy Program

If you do not qualify for Canadian Tire Jumpstart and are in need of a financial subsidy in order to send your child to camp please fill out the application below. You will be notified by email on your status.
Canadian Tire Jumpstart-La Fondation Bon d-part de Canadian Tire